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Nancy is a certified Parenting Coordinator on the British Columbia Parenting Coordinator Roster (BCPCRS) As a Parenting Coordinator Nancy has undergone extensive training and has met standardized levels of practice. She is trained in family law, family therapy, child development, mediation, and arbitration. Nancy has decades of experience working with families using multiple approaches.
Parenting coordination is most useful for parents who already have a parenting plan or other permanent arrangements for guardianship and parenting time, recorded in a court order or in a written agreement. Parenting coordination is provided to help implement and maintain court orders and written agreements once they are in place.
Parents who agree to parenting coordination rather than going back to court will meet with a parenting coordinator and sign a Parenting Coordination Agreement. This agreement outlines the role, objectives and scope of the parenting coordinator’s services, as well as the rights and obligations of each parent. The parenting coordinator will usually be retained for a fixed period of up to two years.
When parenting disputes arise, either parent may contact the parenting coordinator. The coordinator will listen to each parent's side of the story and attempt to reach a resolution of the dispute through information gathering and consensus building. If a settlement cannot be reached by consensus, the coordinator will make a determination to resolve the dispute which both parents will be bound by. If another problem arises, the parents will go back to their parenting coordinator and the process starts again. Along the way, the parenting coordinator will help the parents learn to communicate more effectively and identify the issues which trigger disputes. The parenting coordinator will continue working with the parents until the term of his or her retainer expires or when either the parent coordinator or both parents agree to end the parenting coordination process.
Parenting coordination does not replace mediation or other effective means of negotiation, consensus-building and cooperative decision-making. Instead, parenting coordination offers parents involved in high-conflict disputes the consistent, ongoing direction of a single, qualified professional using a less adversarial, less expensive dispute resolution process.
Although parenting coordination does not supersede the role of the courts.
For further information on Parenting Coordination please go to:
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